Well - not really we HOPE! But A got a hold of this small wooden spoon that came wrapped with another gift and was not quick to give it up for the rest of the night - Most of the time toddling around with it in her mouth, unfortuantely like a cigarette.
A was no beginner when it came to opening her gifts.....she was very particular about ripping a piece of paper off and promptly handing it to Grandpa H. Occassionally, trying to rip into smaller pieces though before handing it off.
A' first pair of PINK Nike's from Grandma J and Grandpa H.
A's Grandma D has been working with A for last few weeks trying to teach her to say "Ho Ho Ho" - well A has it down and quite often now I will catch her in her crib saying "Ho Ho Ho"
The carpet was installed today - and they finished today too! What's left you may ask....well it seem like lot's of small stuff - touch up painting, trim work, door handles and I suppose some cleaning. The plumber is coming tomorrow night to finish all the plumbing hook ups! - Were almost there!!
A got a bit of a sugar treat last night. Grandpa D fed her some or shall we say a lot of his sugar cookie. She loved it....but was she ever wired from the sugar.....By 9pm she still hadn't slowed down so it was a bit of a late night getting to bed. NO MORE SUGAR COOKIES - GRANDPA!!!!
So - getting an 11 month old to sit in front of the Christmas tree for a picture can be quite a challenge I discovered. But I think I may have gotten one out of the deal. A is soooo entrigued with the tree and the lights, and now the gifts too. It will be amazing if they are still wrapped by Christmas or still in the original shape...today she was insist on climbing on them and sitting or standing on the boxes.
So...lately A has not liked to lay still to get a clean diaper put back on...and tonight she proved to be especially challenging. In the end it took 2 of us - one holding her down while the other quickly did the duty.
Attempt Number 1 !! (She quickly got away with nothing on)
Attempt Number 2!! - (Half on)
And then attempt number 2 comes off about as quickly as it went on!
For a tree that is....This morning we set off with 2 other families to find the perfect tree in the hills to call our own. 6 adults, 4 kids (3 under the age of 1 and a 2 year old). Tempature.....a balming 14 degrees with a windchill of -4 degrees.
T and E carrying the 2 girls on their backs....you have to look closely to see them under all the blankets and snowsuits. A and S before we set off for our trek!
The "P" Family!!
The "G" Family!!
And Finally The "E" family!! We got it - our perfect Christmas tree for 2006! It even fit in our house with nothing more than a small trim to the bottom. Keep in mind ours did look quite large until........ The G's had to one up us...and get one of the larger trees possible to cut. Maximum height of a tree you can cut down is 20 feet. I think they may have been close. And the walk back....kid on back. Tree in front. It's a good thing our tree's were pretty light.