So we began discussing at dinner tonight names for the new baby with the kids.....not really because we feel we "need" a name now - but rather for conversation and a way of I guess telling them we were having another baby - Ana is really the only one that "gets it" - and then again does she really?? - because she then told me to go to the hospital on Friday and have the baby.......so........back to baby names....Here is the list of names suggested by our 2 talking children tonight....
Ana's List:
Oaks - this is the name of one of her imaginary friends...
Lissa - also another imaginary friend
Eli's List:
Ace - not sure where this name came from??
Thomas the Train
Ema-has-a-belly-ache - ????? - not just Ema.....
And together they came up with this original list:
The real question will be will we be able to live up to our "vowel" lettered children names and maybe even keep it at 3 letters - when we set out to name our kids neither of these were things we discussed - they have just sort of worked out that way....but it's becoming a hard trend to continue......