Monday, May 21, 2007

Going To the ZOO, ZOO, ZOO

The Montana Zoo that is.......unfortunately....not much to see at the MT Zoo....and if there is...they are all probably sleeping out of sight - but I guess for a 16 month old it's not about the animals but the freedom to run as you please.

The one and ONLY animal truely worth seeing...the TIGER. When we went back the 2nd time he was actually up and moving around.

Big Horn Sheep

A - enjoying her stroll....if you noticed her's taken quite a beating...3 falls on the same knee last week has produced quite the skinned up knee.

A - "if only I was 2 inches taller - I too could enjoy playing in this water with my cousin O."

"I guess I am not so BIG after all"

1 comment:

Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

I like to munch on Grizzlies for a snack! Yummy!!!