Ana is such a fun-loving little girl. She loves to dance, sing (mostly made up songs) and play with Eli and Ema. She is one smart cookie....and continues to amaze us daily with her knowledge and skills. She is a very independent little girl (must be from her Daddy - ha ha ha) and really is teaching us all about being three - There are times that I pray we survive this year!! We love you Ana - Hope you had/have a great Birthday!!
Ready for Bed - she was hardly willing to let me take pictures I guess I take what I can get at this point...
Grandma and Papa's gift to Ana was a trip to "Build a Bear" - so we went there today after naps...and Ana was thrilled - It took just a few minutes to understand but in the end she wanted everything for her (bear) - MONKEY.
She was a little unsure of this process - the "stuffing"
When her monkey was done...she got to give it a bath.
Introducing - "Ana Banana" - the pink polk-a-dot monkey.
All dressed up and ready to head home with us!
We are saving the rest of the celebrating for when we return to RC to celebrate with Eric too!!
1 comment:
Wow! Looks like you had a great time at Build-a-Bear!! You did a super job outfitting your monkey, Ana. Where can I find me a pair of those fantastic pink boots in my size??!!!
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