Friday, December 21, 2012

Adi's 3rd Birthday....WEEK.....

A Christmas birthday is really sort of the pits...especially when it falls exactly 4 days before Christmas we decided to celebrate Adi's birthday a week earlier this year....I figure at this point she knows no different and until she cares or knows any different that is probably what we will do.

So last weekend Grandma and Papa came to was a three-fold weekend. A birthday party for Adi, a Church Christmas program for the older three, and a Christmas celebration and gift exchange since we won't be traveling back to Montana this year. 

A few pics to highlight Adi's birthday party.....

Adi began her morning with an "Our Generation Doll".....Target's American Girl equivalent....and she hasn't put it down.....

 Oh it's so hard to be the "on-looking" siblings and not just jump in and help....Ema was quite the little negotiator this day...I think she had conned Adi out of her doll and replaced it with another one more than once throughout the day.

Finally....her own gymnastics if she would just give up those pesky diapers she could maybe attend a class of her own.

Adi....finally has a gaming device of her's amazing how much they can figure out even at 3 all on their own.

I've never been known for my cake creativity.....and probably never will be.  I perfectly okay with a store bought cake...and so are my all truthfulness my kids don't even really enjoy we opted for an all ice cream cake this year from DQ.

This girl loves her attention...if you haven't figured that out!! 

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