Well, you can only guess who was back to visit last night...YUP - that's right our friendly live-in's - THE MICE. I actually had an exterminator come yesterday and further investigate where they were getting in both in the house and outside the house - which they claim they found their location - BUT nothing has died at the hands of the traps or poison yet.....Last night while I was at the grocery store - E saw one of our fine furry friends scurry under the closet and then into the living room under the furniture...so he stood guard in the hallway trying to cut it off and kill it.
Try breaking up pieces of coffee crisp and making a trail that leads right into the mouse trap. What mouse could resist? :)
We don't leave the posts up for long, but M started a new job and is in training until Dec. Then we will move. I am taking the year off from teaching, so I can move us and take a break, too.
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