And the sickness carries on.......
Well after 9 agonizing days of giving A her antibiotics for pneumonia - she wakes up on the 10th day and asks to take her medicine - WHAT? - whose child are you?? I was ready to stop the medicine early (I know you are not supposed to) but I was soooooo tired of the fight, battle, pin-down hold every morning - I wasn't sure it was worth it anymore - but we made only find out 6 days later that now little E is sick. But not with pneumonia - Adenovirus - (whatever that is) - I have never heard of it until today - but I guess that is what they are calling it - He was tested for 7 different viruses and this one came back positive - So again we have high fevers, runny nose, sore throat, no appetite, red eyes - super cranky - the list goes on.....not treatable with anything but good ole' tylenol or motrin - and oh yes - definitely contagious. Will we ever get healthy again??? And where do they pick this stuff up - I don't take them to the grocery store with me - I rarely take them shopping with me - I just don't get it....but alas this too we will survive - we hope. We've had some long nights that last couple nights and this looks to be another.
Here E is sporting the "wash cloth" look - he is just so warm I've been putting a cold wash cloth on his face to try and cool him down.
we feel your pain! so sorry - i know how horrible it is... it WILL end.
Yuck - we've had adenovirus at our house before, too, so I'm sorry for you. Good luck!
Adenovirus - sorry!!! Hydration and motrin and lots of love. Good luck - it will be over soon. They are both soo cute!!
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