(sorry to those that find this title offensive -
it's the reality around here right now!!)

So on Saturday we decided to "officially" start the potty training process - we've been talking about it for quite some time now and had some success but really not much (but I vow not to have 3 in diapers come September). A did remarkably well over the weekend with very few accidents...with the exception to pooping! Convincing a 2 1/2 year old it's okay to poop on the toilet is quite a challenge. So we broke out the bribes......but that didn't even work until last night!!!
So on Saturday we decided to "officially" start the potty training process - we've been talking about it for quite some time now and had some success but really not much (but I vow not to have 3 in diapers come September). A did remarkably well over the weekend with very few accidents...with the exception to pooping! Convincing a 2 1/2 year old it's okay to poop on the toilet is quite a challenge. So we broke out the bribes......but that didn't even work until last night!!!
We have been telling A that we would buy her a bike and/or cash register that she really wants for a few weeks now if she poopied in the potty. Well no 2 year old is quick to forget....so after sitting on the toilet for quite some time last evening (watching the DVD Elmo's potty time) - she finally did it!!! So it was off to buy the bike. And of course she wouldn't settle for the less expensive one...it had to be the Dora bike with the purple backpack....at least we have another girl on the way that this bike can be passed down too!!