Ema is 9 months old....and has A T T I T U D E......(is that possible at 9 months??)
My tactic used to be at meal time - get Ana and Eli settled first and then feed Ema - well that is no longer working - Ema is ticked off if she is last to receive her food and she will let you know.
She has a set of lungs that scream with the best of them and she will proceed to bang on her tray until something is given to her......ahhhh just makes meal time all the more interesting!!
She has gotten really good at putting up a good fight over a toy and will no longer stand for something being taken away for her (watch out Eli) -
She is on the move - army crawling where ever she needs to go and has just recently decided this week that baby food just isn't cutting it anymore.
And she finally just cut her first tooth this week.....

Ema - showing her love of sitting in the grass...

Take note of the lower lip - this is a common face for Ema these days....

And finally after about 10 straight days of rain (and I am not exaggerating) we finally were able to get back outside today and enjoy the swings and the sunshine!!
Ema just so happened to have her 9 month check-up today too...and the results are in.....going to be tall and skinny just like her daddy!!
Weight: 19.5 oz (75%) - okay well I guess she still isn't incredibly "lite"
Height: 29 1/4 inches (92%)
My tactic used to be at meal time - get Ana and Eli settled first and then feed Ema - well that is no longer working - Ema is ticked off if she is last to receive her food and she will let you know.
She has a set of lungs that scream with the best of them and she will proceed to bang on her tray until something is given to her......ahhhh just makes meal time all the more interesting!!
She has gotten really good at putting up a good fight over a toy and will no longer stand for something being taken away for her (watch out Eli) -
She is on the move - army crawling where ever she needs to go and has just recently decided this week that baby food just isn't cutting it anymore.
And she finally just cut her first tooth this week.....
Ema - showing her love of sitting in the grass...
Take note of the lower lip - this is a common face for Ema these days....
And finally after about 10 straight days of rain (and I am not exaggerating) we finally were able to get back outside today and enjoy the swings and the sunshine!!
Ema just so happened to have her 9 month check-up today too...and the results are in.....going to be tall and skinny just like her daddy!!
Weight: 19.5 oz (75%) - okay well I guess she still isn't incredibly "lite"
Height: 29 1/4 inches (92%)
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