E is 6 months old today.....along with the milestone came 3 shots and a drink (a medicated drink that is).

He seems to be most content today with his Nuk & Huggie.
These were the stats from the Dr.'s office; Weight: 19lbs. (no wonder I can't carry him in his car seat any longer). Height: 27 1/2 inches. Head: 45cm -
Still a very big boy!

And what can he do at 6 months -
SCREAM - he loves to scream....in fact he just woke his sister up from her nap because he was screaming (with delight) so loud.
Roll - occasionally he'll muster up the energy to roll onto his tummy but then he just gets mad cause he can't get back over.
Sit Up - with the help of the Bumbo - but he is getting closer to doing it on his on too.
Accept Kisses & Hugs from his big sister - All the time.
Wow E almost weighs as much as C! E sure is a blue eyed heartbreaker.
Congrats on a healthy report.
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