E had his 9 month check-up today - a week early since we (myself and the kids) are leaving for MT this weekend.
This was the report - Weight: 19 lbs. 12 oz - which sounds heavy but really he was only in the 50% (doesn't change the fact that he still feels heavy to me). Height: 29 1/2 inches - long YES. (85%) and well head - still just big...not off the charts big...but big AND overall just a good healthy boy that didn't cry at all until the shots came. I took A along with us today because she has been so scared going to the Dr. lately I was hoping she would come to realize it's not such a bad place. She enjoyed her time as long as I kept reminding her that we were there for E and not her. She left telling me "I like Dr." - I guess we'll see about that when we go back in few weeks for her 2 year appointment.
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