7:30 - A to bed. (Ahh we can finally relax)
7:50 - A walks out and says "I sit with Daddy little while" - who can resist that sweet innocent voice - definitely not E.
7:58 - A back into her bed (told not to get up again until the moon goes down)
8:04 - phone rings - thanks uncle B!!!
8:08 - A up - this time she needs a drink - So she sits with E - I get her a drink - with the promise that right after her drink she is going back to bed!!
Sidenote - E has a huge deadline at work today - so he brought his computer home from work and worked last night until 12:45am - trying to get more work done on his document due today.
1:37am - A is calling for her nuk/huggie/daddy - this usually means she will be coming to our bed for a few minutes - so E went in and checked on her - and yup - to our bed she came. We told her that she could only stay for 5 minutes and then it's back to her bed.
1:45 - A back in her own bed.
2:23 - A is mysteriously back in our bed - (how on earth she got in bed with us is yet to be determined) E thinks he might have lifted her back into our bed - she often walks into our room and stands next to his side of the bed and because we were both so tired at this point - it is entirely possible.
2:35 - A is now back in her bed - AGAIN. (with the threat of a spanking if she gets up again) - I am up now taking aspirin for a migrane I feel coming on.
2:50 - Little E wakes up - (on schedule) to be fed. - yes he is still up in the night. So E & I get up - he gets little E and I make a bottle and get a diaper. E feeds little E and changes his diaper - I check on A because she is talking and remind her to stay in bed.
3:04 - E puts little E back to bed and in the process sees A get up and shut her door. So E opens A's door to find that she has done duty in her diaper - so he changes his second diaper for the middle of the night.
3:07 - A back to bed - Little E in bed but now talking to us through the monitor.
3:50 - A back in our room AGAIN - we put her in our bed and I say to E (can you sleep with her in here - cause I can and I'm ready to give up - to just get some sleep). A sits up and insists on getting some water - Ok - I go get her cup - we tell her - once she is done she MUST go back to her bed and stay there.
3:53 - A back in bed - it's now 2 hours and 37 minutes until E's alarm goes off.
6:30 - Yes we made it 2 hours and 37 minutes - E decides to reset his alarm until 7 - that is just fine with me.
6:37 - Litte E - starting to stir and fuss. I suggest just waiting until he really starts crying to get him.
6:44 - Little E is now definiely awake. E decides to get up and shower and brings Little E into bed with me.
6:54 - In walks A - "I AWAKE" - (did you ever go to sleep??)
Needless to say we will be going to bed at 7 tonight!!! So no calls after 7 (Uncle B!!!)
Oh my goodness, Suz, I am tired for you!!
Hee! Hee! Really, I am not laughing at you but it is all too familiar!! I remember the days and I am sure there will be more of them to come!
Okay, you've convinced me. No toddler bed for A for a while longer.
Now you know why with two working parents C sleeps with us. Everyone gets rest.
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