I think January rolls around and there just seems to be a blogging lull - and now it's February and still not a lot of pictures to post about.....just not a lot going on - other than wishing for warm wind-less days so we can be outside playing - ALL THE TIME!
I've given up going to our local (cheap) photography studio - I am always so frustrated when we leave there because they are shooting with a digital camera and still only take about 10 pictures (if that) of the kids - so I've taken up trying to shoot the pictures myself - CHALLENGING to say the least - I sure wish I knew more about editing pictures and photo shop - but maybe that will come with time and all of my free time to explore it more! In the mean time - here are a few pictures of the kids I took and tried to make look nice - Eli was my most challenging client....YIKES getting a almost 2 year old to sit nicely was almost a nightmare - he wasn't even bribe-able - ENJOY!
I've given up going to our local (cheap) photography studio - I am always so frustrated when we leave there because they are shooting with a digital camera and still only take about 10 pictures (if that) of the kids - so I've taken up trying to shoot the pictures myself - CHALLENGING to say the least - I sure wish I knew more about editing pictures and photo shop - but maybe that will come with time and all of my free time to explore it more! In the mean time - here are a few pictures of the kids I took and tried to make look nice - Eli was my most challenging client....YIKES getting a almost 2 year old to sit nicely was almost a nightmare - he wasn't even bribe-able - ENJOY!

Great pictures, Suzie! They look better than the professionals!
Suzie I think these are great! Nice work. I always think you take such great pictures. We are finally doing an office remodel and yes it includes an indoor studio. I am so excited! So if the insurance and everything goes through I will have to let you know when it is complete. I'm hoping the end of March.
Also, it is 100 times harder to take photos of your own kids and try to be mom. I can't even do it.
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