I think this is longest time I've gone between blog posts in a LONG while.....why?? Just truly nothing going on....I've been terrible about taking pictures lately (oh - other than of random dogs littering in my yard - for proof to send to their irresponsible owners!) Not much has happened otherwise - we received yet another round of snow last weekend with 6+ inches of more snow.....and it's still melting! My hopes were so high a week ago when it was 80 and we were finally breaking out the "spring clothes" and learning to overcome our fear of bugs - guess we'll be starting all over again!!
Eric and I celebrated 6 years of being married on Sunday - we joke how the first year seemed like such a big deal and how we went on a great weekend away - now just an afternoon or evening alone will have to do!
A few pictures of the kids and what they are up too.....

These are the many feet that are continually out growing their socks and shoes.....

And here are there precious faces....getting 3 to smile this day was NOT going to happen....

Ema has graduated to taking a "big" kid bath - I just haven't been brave enough yet to actually put her in the tub with the "big" kids.....Something about the fear of her getting just a little too much water dumped on her head by a certain little brother of hers....She loves loves loves to watch them though....
I've spent today replacing batteries in many of the toys that Ema really could be enjoying now that she is a little more mobile - one of which is this piano - Ema's two sidekicks were right there to join in on the new fun...
Ema looking a little orange around the nose??....probably because she refuses to eat anything other than orange vegetables...oh well.
I weaned her 2 weekends ago - I thought it was going to be much harder than it was....Eric had agreed to let me go on a retreat at our church - but kids are not allowed....and so he said he was willing to wean Ema while I was gone - I was a bit fearful for him - so we started the weekend before I left and by the 2nd bottle she was "hooked" - and hasn't gone back.
She is growing so much - now if we could only get her sleeping through the night on a consistent basis - she puts up a good fight!
Ana and Eric attempted to fly Ana's kite she got for Easter a couple weekends ago - of course she got scared after about 30 seconds of flying it.....so the story goes!
Ana has been sleeping downstairs since February with no problems and then all of the sudden in the last 2 weeks something has her scared and she has been sleeping on our floor ever since. So now I think we may be in the market for bunk beds - until she temporarily gets over this "scare" and so we can get her out of our room.....
Ana got into our preschool of choice for the Fall - so come Aug. 31st she is off to school - and talks about it everyday!!
She is still in gymnastics - but I think we are going to switch to ballet this fall....
Ana's newest endeavour is talking on the phone - she can carry on a pretty good conversation...but a little scary that she is only 3 and wanting to talk so much....

Oh - and where are the pictures of Eli - I HAVE NO NEW ONES!! - I guess I should work on that...
Eli Eli - he has become our little jabber box - he has Eric and I in stitches just about every day with some of the funny things he says.....
He pretty much does anything Ana does at this point - If Ana has a stomach ache, he has a stomach ache, if Ana is full from eating, he is full too!
We just moved him into a "big big" bed (twin size) - he thinks it's pretty special but for some reason now he thinks he can get out of his bed - he recently has been locked in his room at night until he falls asleep to prevent him from coming out - much to his dismay. And we've also been greeted by his presence the last 2 mornings at 5:51am!!
Our next big feat will be potty training - I just wish he would show a little interest.....actually the other night was the first big step we've had.....he actually was caught "peeing" on the floor - so Eric quick rushed him into the bathroom and actually got him to stand in front of the toilet and "try" and finish - of course it was all over the floor and nothing left for the toilet. So I again tried last night before bath time with him - and these were his exact words as he stood in front of the toilet with me trying to help him - " won't work mommy - broken" - We may just not be ready for this yet.
Well I think that is the update for now....until the next big snow - or maybe a nice day!!!
Eric and I celebrated 6 years of being married on Sunday - we joke how the first year seemed like such a big deal and how we went on a great weekend away - now just an afternoon or evening alone will have to do!
A few pictures of the kids and what they are up too.....
These are the many feet that are continually out growing their socks and shoes.....
And here are there precious faces....getting 3 to smile this day was NOT going to happen....
Ema has graduated to taking a "big" kid bath - I just haven't been brave enough yet to actually put her in the tub with the "big" kids.....Something about the fear of her getting just a little too much water dumped on her head by a certain little brother of hers....She loves loves loves to watch them though....
Ema looking a little orange around the nose??....probably because she refuses to eat anything other than orange vegetables...oh well.
I weaned her 2 weekends ago - I thought it was going to be much harder than it was....Eric had agreed to let me go on a retreat at our church - but kids are not allowed....and so he said he was willing to wean Ema while I was gone - I was a bit fearful for him - so we started the weekend before I left and by the 2nd bottle she was "hooked" - and hasn't gone back.
She is growing so much - now if we could only get her sleeping through the night on a consistent basis - she puts up a good fight!
Ana has been sleeping downstairs since February with no problems and then all of the sudden in the last 2 weeks something has her scared and she has been sleeping on our floor ever since. So now I think we may be in the market for bunk beds - until she temporarily gets over this "scare" and so we can get her out of our room.....
Ana got into our preschool of choice for the Fall - so come Aug. 31st she is off to school - and talks about it everyday!!
She is still in gymnastics - but I think we are going to switch to ballet this fall....
Ana's newest endeavour is talking on the phone - she can carry on a pretty good conversation...but a little scary that she is only 3 and wanting to talk so much....
Oh - and where are the pictures of Eli - I HAVE NO NEW ONES!! - I guess I should work on that...
Eli Eli - he has become our little jabber box - he has Eric and I in stitches just about every day with some of the funny things he says.....
He pretty much does anything Ana does at this point - If Ana has a stomach ache, he has a stomach ache, if Ana is full from eating, he is full too!
We just moved him into a "big big" bed (twin size) - he thinks it's pretty special but for some reason now he thinks he can get out of his bed - he recently has been locked in his room at night until he falls asleep to prevent him from coming out - much to his dismay. And we've also been greeted by his presence the last 2 mornings at 5:51am!!
Our next big feat will be potty training - I just wish he would show a little interest.....actually the other night was the first big step we've had.....he actually was caught "peeing" on the floor - so Eric quick rushed him into the bathroom and actually got him to stand in front of the toilet and "try" and finish - of course it was all over the floor and nothing left for the toilet. So I again tried last night before bath time with him - and these were his exact words as he stood in front of the toilet with me trying to help him - " won't work mommy - broken" - We may just not be ready for this yet.
Well I think that is the update for now....until the next big snow - or maybe a nice day!!!
LOVE the feet picture.
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