Saturday, December 05, 2009

The perfect cure for the long winter ahead........

that now takes up 2/3 of our play area!!

During our cold/snowy spell in October I could hardly imagine how long our winter was going to be.....the kids needed to burn energy and getting outside with 4 kids, one being an infant just doesn't seem as plausible this we are bringing the fun inside.....

We bought this for the kids....and then there was a "steal" of a deal on the same one on black we bought another.....and got a good chunk of change's all worth it now!!

This would be our no fear child....(could we finally have one of those) - Ema loves it in the castle!!

The three's so wonderful - Ana even knows how to turn it on and off!

One of Eli's favorite things to do is catapult himself off the slide.....

Ema seems to think that every slide she goes down needs to be head first.

It sure has provided us with some good naps and early bed times!!!


John said...

Woa - awesome! Now we may have to come visit.

Noelle said...

Can we come to your house for a playdate?