Here are a few pictures of E - He's one week old today....and doing GREAT! He was changed to intermediate care today so he is still in the NICU but doesn't need as much monitoring now. He is back to demand feeding. His Ultra-sound came back with no new information or findings so that was good. They believe the bleeding has stopped in the hemorrage probably quite a while ago. So we still have high hopes that Tuesday will be the day he get's to come home!!!

Glad to hear E is on the mend. We'll keep praying.
We are happy to hear the good news! Thanks for taking the time to keep us up-to-date. We are still praying for you all!
Praise the Lord! He is still in our prayers. I'm sure his sister is anxious to see him!
That is great news, ditto remarks as john and sara! Hooray indeed!
God is Good. All the time. Can't wait to get together and play!
We can confirm he is a sweet baby - he even smiles when he hears all of us talk to him and A is sure looking forward to seeing him she keeps bringing us diapers for the baby. GG Doll
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