Words Words Words
A's list of words seems to be growing with each day....most of which we love....there are a few of course we wish she didn't know at this point - one being "No No". And for the most part we want to believe she knows really what the meaning of most of them are - Mommy, Daddy, book, uh-oh, doggie Papa, hi, bye-bye, more, all done, monkey -imitations....but we've found that she tends to get stuck on 1 letter for quite while - lately it's been "D' so everything these days seems to be either "Daddy" or "Doggie". Recently I've been having to tell her every time I leave the room - where I am going so she can either follow or not cry! Well for me that is mostly to the "Potty" since - well you know. But A has picked up on the word...so now everything is starting to be "Potty" pronounced "Bobby" - it's quite funny.
Maybe she means Ricky Bobby, the legendary NASCAR racer.
Yeah, - mabye?? Except who is that???
I guess you call who is NOT the movie buff in our house......
Actually Joe, this morning she pointed to your picture on the fridge and said "Bobby"!
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