Also - His length is 20.5 inches - so the same as A.
And the tube coming out of his mouth is actually not his oxygen that is the tube to release excess gas in his stomach. The oxygen comes in the form of a hood that sits over top of his head...but they had removed it while I took a picture.

Thank you for the update and the pictures. It is good to see things are going in the right direction and we pray they will continue to do so. He is adorable and looks big! Chubby! Very handsome, indeed. May today bring you great joy!
A - What a handsome little brother you have! He sure is a chubby little guy! I am sure you will take good care of him in the days and years to come. Tell your mom and dad that we are excited for them and that we are glad to hear that Eli is getting better. Can't wait to see more pics of you and your brother!
M, S and T
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