Another month come and gone.....The latest on Little E - still not really sleeping through the night (although last night he did - I almost hate to admit it though for fear of jinxing ourselves). Going to bed at night has been a bit more of a challenge we can't decide if it is for teething reasons or just no reason at all - but the latest is having to fall asleep in our arms first. Still no teeth - but I always think he must be teething...he loves his gums being rubbed but nothing really to feel yet. He is gobbling up the solids....which is great - We can't wait to be done with formula!!! He can sit up all on his own now and flop down to his stomach, but getting back over to his backside is another great challenge - not quite mastered. So really, no rolling yet. He is really wanting to move, just hasn't figured out the means for doing that yet. He just adores A, and she can always make him laugh and smile. All around - just one happy little boy!!
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